Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21st- Ekphrasis


The breath of life you take as you open this magical story is one that you cannot get if you feel any other way.

The capturing of knowledge from the tiny print upon a page is like breathing in fresh air after staying inside for a hundred years.

The same ink, stale and bitter, on the stiff pages as you feed your mind through your eyes.

You continue to read, learn, nourish your soul with these words from authors with names you could never pronounce correctly.

The art of writing is so extreme and can build your heart and break it back down in less than two words.

You breath out as you read the last period on a page knowing you took a journey with these characters that threw you around, made me cry, made you happy. It was an unbelievable journey you will never forget until your dying breath.

Knowledge is everything and books feed you knowledge.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20th- Emotions

There are times in your life when many emotions conflict. You can't decide if you should be disgusted, angry, joyful, sad, or scared. It's like there is a massive battle in your head with all these little emotions screaming at you.


Sadness fights back and says "Just go home and eat potatoes and cry. Nothing good will happen anyway. Just be sad."


Then Fear strikes and tells you "It might happen again. You can't fight back because they'll be worse. You can't be sad because you will seem weak. Just suck it up and try not to get food poisoning."

But Joy needs to be the  loudest voice in your head. She should say "You will learn from this experience. You should be happy that those people are out of your life. Stay positive!"

You can never decide which emotion to use. You vary between emotions depending on the day, but remember to always try and let joy be the biggest voice.

Want some advice on these emotions? See Pixar's movie Inside Out this June!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18- Treason & Historical Fiction

Oh here, oh here, listen here as we tell,
the plot to kill the man known as the devil,
the man who killed innocent people because of their looks and religion,
While this plot greatly failed,
it still goes to show just  how hated he was,
Hitler, that soulless man, had his own people turning against him.

That suitcase looked oh so plain to anyone around,
but in reality it was anything but innocent,
This suitcase held the key to life for millions of people,
the bomb that would kill Hitler.

As any great murderous coup goes,
it failed oh so gravely,
in the streets of the saddened Germany,
with this bomb exploding and killing the carrier instead of the gift-opener.

Hitler learned about this plan,
exposing all who were apart of it,
And killed them all.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17th- Found Poem

This past summer I got a Eurorail pass and travelled around Europe.
I loved it so much.
Europe is gorgeous.
Everybody has a fake-grunge way and wears jeans that fit just right.
I'm not good at this.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14th- The Berlin Wall

The East
Looking at the East side all you see is gray.
It explains what happened over there on that side of Berlin.
The Communism that took over the city and the East side of the country.
There was no one over there to help these poop people from the devils.

The West
Looking at the West side you see an abundance of graffiti.
You see a painting with a mouth that says "Act Up" and it moves you dearly.
These people went without their loved ones for years.
The Western side always trying to act out.
Always trying to save their brothers from the wicked witch of the East.

It came time for the wall to come down. It came time for Communism to be defeated. You saw all of these people climbing this wall. The Eastern people finding their freedom. The Western people finding their hearts. You can only imagine the joy in the hearts of these Germans when the barricade came down. After years of a prison wall dividing this city God showed his might and put the devil to rest.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13th- The Macabre Arts

David Olere
Death is drawling closer to me and the bodies that surround me.
We attempt to eat the sun as that is the only source of nutrition we can find.
All of us huddle together trying desperately not to die here.
We feel the sweat off each others' bodies and taste the gas sinking into our skin.
All around me people begin to drop the ground choking.
I claw at the walls attempting to find a way out of this God forsaken building.
I hear children screaming and their mother's weeping as each baby takes it's last breath of poison before it turns limp.
All around me in this empty void I feel boys and girls falling and smacking the ground, not old enough to know what is happening to them.
I see smoke begin to pour into the vents and I see a door open.
I fall to the ground when I try to run towards it thinking I could escape.
I see an orange substance rushing towards me and I believe it is daylight.
I start gagging some more and feel my brain fog up as a searing pain engulfs my entire body.
I feel my mouth shape the words "God bless my soul. Please let me enter." before everything goes black.
I lay lifeless on the ground, my soul staring at my dead body beginning to shrivel in the fire and I know my time is done and the pain is gone.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12th- The Haunted House

This haunted house I'm living in,
is a house that is full of sin.
There are ghosts to haunt you around every door,
and ghouls to scream at you on every floor.
This haunted house is one of despair,
with clouds of evil encompassing the air.
The sharpest teeth you will ever see,
belong to the monsters hiding in the trees.
This haunted house will scare you to death,
even before you enter one step.
There is still time for you to run screaming my dear,
before the wicked spirits catch you in here.
This haunted house is one hell of a trap,
Once you enter it, love, you can never look back.