Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4th- Unrequited Love

When you're fifteen and walk into a new school you have the goal of finding new friends and fitting in. After a month or so you have a pretty solid friend group and are introduced to a boy. You immediately recognize that he's sweet and attractive, but you are too timid to say anything. Being in high school means any first relationship will be a little awkward, but you rejoice when he finally asks for your number. At first it is innocent talking then you become best friends. A couple months pass and you realize your true feelings and you finally have the courage to admit you have a crush. The problem is he now has a girlfriend. You continue to talk as best friends until he realizes your feelings. He apologizes for not knowing and says he wishes he would have known sooner, but it wouldn't feel right to break up with his girlfriend now. You calmly agree and wish everything would have started differently. His friends tell you he feels awful about the situation and misses you as a friend, but knows his girlfriend would be jealous if he were to continue to talk to you.

A few months pass and he texts you saying "It's been a while". As the conversation continues he tells you that he broke up with his girlfriend a month earlier. You ask why and he tells you this: "The first time I saw you I tripped where I was walking and knew I had to be with you. I couldn't tell what your feelings were and didn't want to ask. I couldn't stay with my girlfriend because it would not have been fair for her." My heart filled with joy because I knew I finally had a chance. Until three weeks later when he asked another girl to be his girlfriend.

After a year of going back and forth with him and never making it official I finally realized that I would never be the girl he loved. I had fallen head over heels for a boy who saw me as nothing and finally I had the strength to walk away from this unrequited love.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I like how you added a picture that went your post. I can really tell the feelings that you were feeling when you wrote this. Great job!
