Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25th- Literary Character

We all remember certain characters that we love and that stay with us forever. My character is Albus Dumbledor. He is from the amazing series of Harry Potter and, as most of us know, died in the sixth book. Take a minute with me, though, and pretend like he is still here. He is in our world, not the Wizarding World, and let us see what he would be like.

               In my mind I can picture Dumbledor as the wise Prime Minister of England. He is loved by most and one of the brightest men known to man. In his free time he likes to do magic tricks, like card tricks and making flowers appear. Dumbledor always has the interest of the majority in his mind and makes sure to act on his intuition. He strongly believes in keeping everyone safe from radical and evil people. With the help of his cabinet, he is a strong leader and optimist for the nation. I can also say that I believe his beard would be slightly shorter, but still of great importance to him!

Maybe these thoughts are just mine and you believe I'm incorrect, but that is completely your opinion! (Feel free to comment and let me know.) The character of Albus Dumbledor, brought to life by J.K. Rowling, is the singular character that will stay with me forever. Between the lessons he was written to teach about and the compassion he showed to all, I will never forget our loving wizard.

Don't know much about Harry Potter or Dumbledor? Click here now

Do you know a lot about Harry Potter and wish to know even more? Visit Pottermore to make an account!

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