Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29th- Two Moons

During a deadly sea storm, a group of researchers were stuck at sea with their submarine instruments not working. After 10 days being trapped 10,000 leagues under the sea they resurface to find themselves trapped in the sea with no land in sight. One researcher looks up and notices two moons under the gravitational pull of Earth. Automatically the crew understands why their instruments aren't working properly! They know that they only have 10 more days left of food and fuel and will have to work quickly to find land. After pulling up the telescope and spotting land about fifty miles away they start the engine and begin  manually controlling the direction of the submarine.

Once they reach land and get out of the water they become aware that everything is different. They are on the island of Germany, but there are no people and no animals. They ration out their supplies and begin to make a plan of attack. The final decision is that they will all stay together and work from one end of the island to the other. The crew hunkers down for a night of rest and think about all the things they need to find out before they continue life with two moons.

                                               Did you hear about the Two Moons hoax?


  1. This particular story sounded very interesting and could possibly be a very good short story. You can definitely see the writing skills that you have by reading some of your works. My only concern is that there wasn't much added to it. If you build onto your story more and add a few details, it could really make the whole piece blossom!

  2. Constructive = you could've added more to the story, it seemed simple and had a really sudden ending
    Positive = I liked the idea of the researchers having to start a new life with 2 moons and on a island with no animals or people on it

  3. I like how your story is told in a mysterious cliffhanger, and sometimes you don't need tons of detail in a story to create a truly imaginary story. Sometimes it is good to leave details up to the readers imagination.
