Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th- Historical Accuracy

What comes to your mind when you think of the 1930s? The Great Economic Crash, Franklin D. Roosevelt and his "New Deal" to create jobs, or maybe even Marilyn Monroe? What about the Empire State Building? Maybe we should focus on one of tallest and most beautiful skyscrapers in North America!

We all know this legendary photo of these eleven men siting on a steel bar while taking a break from the heat and smog of New York City. But are these men truly men? Or are they aliens being a little to worthwhile? Considering the Empire State Buildings is one of the Seven Wonders of the World for its Art Deco style and fast building process we must question if this building really could've been made my humans alone!

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think we are alone in the universe! And no, I don't mean we have little 

green 'Marvin the Martian's running around everywhere. I also don't think E.T. is landing in random children's back yards and asking them to help him get home! However, there is no way that in this galaxy of stars and planets and unknown worlds that we are alone. So we must consider that when the Empire State decided to build this iconic Empire State Building it could have been possible for Mr. President to ring up some friends at Area 51 and have them ship out some "special helpers" with their advanced technology.

When these aliens were brought here they could've looked like humans that happened to be risk takers. (I don't know about y'all, but I would NEVER sit on a steel beam hundreds of feet in the air!) The only logical explanation that I have for this is aliens! Maybe the Martian spotting was someone realizing the people building their new, American icon were green or purple or walking on air of breathing fire to fuse beams together. We may never know if aliens live in our country, but it's funny to think that one of the buildings we prize most as Americans wasn't even built by Americans! (Or humans for that matter!)

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