Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30th- Taylor Swift

My life has been upside down since I was fifteen.
I constantly get put down because I go on dates with a lot of boys and people don't always like my music.
I just want to be able to write, sing, dance, and live being me. Not having to please anyone else.
I live in this big life where everyone thinks they know me when in reality I just want to be simple and happy while performing for society!

Here is Taylor's vevo!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th- Mixed Up Cup

John D. Rockefeller finally made it. His oil company has finally taken off and his newest drilling location is San Antonio, Texas. On a trip down to Texas he decided to head into the city and visit the Alamo. It was an iconic landmark that had always inspired him. While in the Alamo an earthquake warning began to sound. He was in a small, isolated room off the back of the fort when the ground began to shake. Right when he stepped towards the threshold a large piece of clay fall from the ceiling landing square on his lips. He fell to the ground and felt his mouth coming to the realization that his teeth were all loose. As Mr. Rockefeller stood up a tooth fell out. As he started running to get in a clearing two more fell out. This poor old man was losing every tooth in his dear old mouth!

Once the earthquake stopped and he had lost ten more teeth he was walking to hail cab and passed a tall, strong shouldered man. The man was dressed in orange and white with a University of Tennessee football cap on. This decked out man looked at Rockefeller and said, "Karma is a Butch. You shouldn't be drillin' oil!" and walked away. Rockefeller then got in a cab, went to the hospital, and tried to forget about his terrible experience at the Alamo.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27th- Fairy Tale Name Poem

Here is a poem using a powerful princess's name that describes me.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24th- X Marks the Spot

After weeks on this majestic sea, I pirate Kait, my friend pirate Jack, and our Captain Black have finally found the island of treasure we took the map for after hijacking a ship. We sink the anchor and step onto land only to find mashed potatoes. Everything is covered with mashed potatoes! The trees, the sand, the dirt are all mashed potatoes. There are rivers of gravy and small ponds of more gravy. This is not at all what we were expecting, but it was a nice surprise to have unlimited food!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23rd- That's Punny!

Welcome to the pun battle,
The battle of the puns.
In our left corner is an old school tenth grade teacher who was offended by what our right corner opponent said.
In the right corner is a wild West cowboy ready to prove this teacher wrong.

"To write with a broken pencil is pointless," shouts our cowboy.

"Well what do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher!" remarks the teacher.

"I wonder why your geometry class is so tired? Maybe it's cause they're out of shape!" exclaims the cowboy.

"Boy what do you call a cow during a earthquake? A milkshake!" cackles the teacher.

"Yeah? Well decimals have a point!" throws back the cowboy.

"Oh buddy, cowboys don't roll joints. They tumble weed!" laughs the teacher.

"I..what..oh." mumbles the cowboy, "I guess you've one. I'm gonna find one of those saloons in looney toons called slooney toons.

And with that the battle of the puns, the pun battle was won.

Looking for your own puns? Here is a great resource! Puns! As a side note, all the puns I wrote were not original. They were found by googling "Cowboy" or "Teacher" puns.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21- Deja Vu

Caroline studied the old man carefully. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him reminded her of somebody else? But who? She looked at his features: the bright eyes full of energy, the broad features of his upper body, and awkward curve of his lips. She thought she was beginning to think of who it could be, but it wasn't possible. That man was locked in a cellar for the rest of his immortal life. That man looked young. This man was not, but the features were so startling similar. Even his joyful, but hardened personality was the exact same. Then she saw it... the sonic screwdriver. She knew it was him.

"Oh Caroline, you see me now. You see that I am your Doctor. I have missed you so much. I know this is a new form, but I had to regenerate. My lovely Caroline."

 She paused to think before she could reply, "Is it really you? My dearest Doctor Who?"

Doctor Who season 7

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16th- RAIN

The peaceful cleanse of rain is like a baptism for the entire Earth.
It washes away the dust and grim replacing it with a soaked surface that will later dry to be cleansed.
The light pitter patter of a brewing storm begins while you sit with your family at the dinner table.
The heavier droning of the now steady rain brings thunder in all it's might.
The parturient masses of water downfall as you lay in your bed beginning to sleep.
Your windows light up with the blaze of lighting bolts striking the sky.
Many thoughts pass through your head, but none of worry.
You think about the renewal this hurricane-like weather will bring to the Earth.
You think about the rainbow's vivid colors that will be brought.
As you become drowsy from the lull of this cloudburst,
your final thought before you sleep is "Thank you God for this majestic being."

Using complex words that don't repeat often is my goal when I write, especially poetry. Here is a link to the thesaurus I used to make sure the work "rain" didn't repeat: Rain!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15th- I Remember When...

I remember when I still enjoyed school.
I could walk in and talk to twenty people within the first five minutes.
I liked learning and hearing about different events throughout history.
Unfortunately, I now hate school.
I avoid as many people as possible because people cause so much drama.
I try so hard to learn, but nothing makes sense anymore.
I remember when I still enjoyed school.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10th- Pet Peeve

Can a person be my pet peeve? If so I don't have to think about it! Brody is my pet peeve.
Constantly in MY space claiming that it is OUR space. No it is not. Not to mention his CONSTANT fangirling over movies, and I thought I was bad until I met him. Oh and can we realize his continuous insistence that I find him attractive when I most certainly see him as a brother and nothing in the realm of finding him attractive! (I'm not being rude I promise! He is a great person.) Continuing, the fact that he never does his work is quite bothersome. Sometimes I want to get stuff done, but he sits there and gets in MY space and distracts me. Well I guess that's enough of a Brody rant for the day. I'm sure I will have more in the future!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 2nd- The Flip Side

Sitting on a couch with my phone in hand

I pull up twitter to see a fight, mighty grand.

I look at the people and see they are my friends

And wonder how long until this ends.

They go and go and I get worried

Then remind one girl that this isn’t worth it.

Day after day of constant fighting

Causes stress that is oh so biting.

Finally resolved with these girls not talking,

I sigh to myself and say, “What a mockery”.


Pulling up twitter I see a fight starting.

My best friend spreading lies and I’m ready to begin fighting.

“I never did that” and “You’re such a liar”

These words come naturally after so much time.

I am reminded that this fight isn’t worth it,

But I want her to feel that hurt she’s caused.

I keep going and going until the tears finally come,

And I realize I deserve a better friend that won’t make me numb.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6th- Persona Poem

Hello, my name is Marilyn Monroe.
I live a life that should be so happy, but I'm afraid it's not.
I have countless lovers, but no one to truly love me.
I've been made into a sexual icon and that's not what I wanted!
I just wanted to be a star.
I wish I could just sing and dance and act without someone telling me to be seductive.
I'm afraid my life has completely fallen to pieces.
Technically my life has always been in shambles.
I have to think that life would be easier if I weren't so famous.
People might want me for me and not my fame.
It is scary to think that I would be content with death at my age.
With death I wouldn't be lonely or sad.
I would no longer have anxiety attacks and panic before performing.
Maybe it's time I saw what the lights are and gave someone else a chance to shine.
Goodbye my darlings. I will see you soon.

A little history of our darling Marilyn.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2nd- The Frog Prince

A precious Princess takes a walk along a stream where she meets the man she believes she should be with.
 The man has a secret that he will never tell, but it keeps him from kissing her which upsets her and that isn't swell.
The Princess brings her loving Prince home and he eats from her plate and sleeps next to her in bed.

For three days this enchantment goes on and the Princess begins to fall deeply in love.

On the third night the Princess tries to kiss her sweet Prince to say goodnight, but he forcefully objects.
Once the solemn Prince falls deeply asleep the Princess presses her soft lips to his and falls into a slumber.

When the Princess wakes up the next morning she shrieks "My Prince, My Prince! Help there's a frog!" and the frog replies "My sweet lady I am your Prince. I told you not to kiss me. For a witch made me human and said if I ever kissed another I would turn back into a frog. Now my lovely Princess, I must return to my swamp and live my life as a frog Prince forever indebted to your gratitude."
The Frog Prince hopped away while the sweet Princess sat on her bed weeping.

Did you like my fractured fairytale? Check out the original.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Monday, September 29th- I'm Weirded Out...

As soon as I arrived I felt that something was out of place. I walked into that blue box and yelled "Doctor, where are you?" There was no response. I began to search this box that is bigger on the inside. With no luck I kept yelling for my dearest Doctor, but he never replied. I stepped out of the Tardis and fell to the firey depths of the universe.

Oh wait.. I was dreaming.

Wednesday, October 1st- Fairy Tale Characters

Ever sweet, this fair maiden, with skin as white as snow.
Strawberry red lips with apple colored cheeks running away from the crow.

Finding seven funny men as she flees from evil,
She will take them in as her own.

Biting into the poison from that little, old lady,
She waits for her Prince to come.

True loves kiss awakens her,
And she lives forever in safety from the least fairest of them all.

Check out the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs