Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 2nd- The Flip Side

Sitting on a couch with my phone in hand

I pull up twitter to see a fight, mighty grand.

I look at the people and see they are my friends

And wonder how long until this ends.

They go and go and I get worried

Then remind one girl that this isn’t worth it.

Day after day of constant fighting

Causes stress that is oh so biting.

Finally resolved with these girls not talking,

I sigh to myself and say, “What a mockery”.


Pulling up twitter I see a fight starting.

My best friend spreading lies and I’m ready to begin fighting.

“I never did that” and “You’re such a liar”

These words come naturally after so much time.

I am reminded that this fight isn’t worth it,

But I want her to feel that hurt she’s caused.

I keep going and going until the tears finally come,

And I realize I deserve a better friend that won’t make me numb.


  1. I cannot begin to describe how well your poem is written. You clearly see a change in point of view, the way you set up your poem was very clever, and the rhyming only made your poem sound better! The picture you used also described your poem flawlessly. Very well done.

  2. Oh you youngsters and your subtweets. I liked the different perspectives told, it adds depth to the immersion of the story hearing the second person speak.
