Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23rd- That's Punny!

Welcome to the pun battle,
The battle of the puns.
In our left corner is an old school tenth grade teacher who was offended by what our right corner opponent said.
In the right corner is a wild West cowboy ready to prove this teacher wrong.

"To write with a broken pencil is pointless," shouts our cowboy.

"Well what do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher!" remarks the teacher.

"I wonder why your geometry class is so tired? Maybe it's cause they're out of shape!" exclaims the cowboy.

"Boy what do you call a cow during a earthquake? A milkshake!" cackles the teacher.

"Yeah? Well decimals have a point!" throws back the cowboy.

"Oh buddy, cowboys don't roll joints. They tumble weed!" laughs the teacher.

"I..what..oh." mumbles the cowboy, "I guess you've one. I'm gonna find one of those saloons in looney toons called slooney toons.

And with that the battle of the puns, the pun battle was won.

Looking for your own puns? Here is a great resource! Puns! As a side note, all the puns I wrote were not original. They were found by googling "Cowboy" or "Teacher" puns.