Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th- Mixed Up Cup

John D. Rockefeller finally made it. His oil company has finally taken off and his newest drilling location is San Antonio, Texas. On a trip down to Texas he decided to head into the city and visit the Alamo. It was an iconic landmark that had always inspired him. While in the Alamo an earthquake warning began to sound. He was in a small, isolated room off the back of the fort when the ground began to shake. Right when he stepped towards the threshold a large piece of clay fall from the ceiling landing square on his lips. He fell to the ground and felt his mouth coming to the realization that his teeth were all loose. As Mr. Rockefeller stood up a tooth fell out. As he started running to get in a clearing two more fell out. This poor old man was losing every tooth in his dear old mouth!

Once the earthquake stopped and he had lost ten more teeth he was walking to hail cab and passed a tall, strong shouldered man. The man was dressed in orange and white with a University of Tennessee football cap on. This decked out man looked at Rockefeller and said, "Karma is a Butch. You shouldn't be drillin' oil!" and walked away. Rockefeller then got in a cab, went to the hospital, and tried to forget about his terrible experience at the Alamo.


  1. Love it, love it, love it.
    I like the silliness of your story, it reminds me of dreams that I have sometimes. and I have had dreams like that.

  2. The amount of chronological and geographical incontinuity is wonderful
