Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday, December 5th- Sonnet

You were an avalanche in my set way

I never knew someone could mean so much

You always brought to me a means to pray

I now realize you were my biggest crutch.

You tore out my helpless, lost, lonely heart

I cried for you a thousand moon light nights

You would not come to my bedside in aid

I would scream your name through my endless tears.

You brought a limitless amount of pain

I had to remove myself from your trap

You left me, again, to bring yourself gains

I cut myself out of your deadly wrap

But you knew I could not stay away long

My love for you still runs wearily strong.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4th- Unrequited Love

When you're fifteen and walk into a new school you have the goal of finding new friends and fitting in. After a month or so you have a pretty solid friend group and are introduced to a boy. You immediately recognize that he's sweet and attractive, but you are too timid to say anything. Being in high school means any first relationship will be a little awkward, but you rejoice when he finally asks for your number. At first it is innocent talking then you become best friends. A couple months pass and you realize your true feelings and you finally have the courage to admit you have a crush. The problem is he now has a girlfriend. You continue to talk as best friends until he realizes your feelings. He apologizes for not knowing and says he wishes he would have known sooner, but it wouldn't feel right to break up with his girlfriend now. You calmly agree and wish everything would have started differently. His friends tell you he feels awful about the situation and misses you as a friend, but knows his girlfriend would be jealous if he were to continue to talk to you.

A few months pass and he texts you saying "It's been a while". As the conversation continues he tells you that he broke up with his girlfriend a month earlier. You ask why and he tells you this: "The first time I saw you I tripped where I was walking and knew I had to be with you. I couldn't tell what your feelings were and didn't want to ask. I couldn't stay with my girlfriend because it would not have been fair for her." My heart filled with joy because I knew I finally had a chance. Until three weeks later when he asked another girl to be his girlfriend.

After a year of going back and forth with him and never making it official I finally realized that I would never be the girl he loved. I had fallen head over heels for a boy who saw me as nothing and finally I had the strength to walk away from this unrequited love.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2nd - Top Secret

On a cold, snowy winter day I wrap myself up in layers of blankets.
You turn on the shower as I begin to fall asleep.
I am startled out of my dreary state when I hear you talking.
"ISIS took the White House over. We have to act as quickly as possible. No reporters can know that the president has been killed. We have to find a way to drive them out before they do something devastating."
I sit in fear as you walk out of the bathroom.
You realize I overheard everything.
You rush to me and tell me, as I shake, that everything will be fine.
I cry and ask how long this has been happening.
You tell me that I've already heard enough and need to stay in the house today.
You squeeze me tight then rush out the door trying to think of ways to save the world.
I roll myself back up in the covers and pray for God to save our country.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21st- Ekphrasis


The breath of life you take as you open this magical story is one that you cannot get if you feel any other way.

The capturing of knowledge from the tiny print upon a page is like breathing in fresh air after staying inside for a hundred years.

The same ink, stale and bitter, on the stiff pages as you feed your mind through your eyes.

You continue to read, learn, nourish your soul with these words from authors with names you could never pronounce correctly.

The art of writing is so extreme and can build your heart and break it back down in less than two words.

You breath out as you read the last period on a page knowing you took a journey with these characters that threw you around, made me cry, made you happy. It was an unbelievable journey you will never forget until your dying breath.

Knowledge is everything and books feed you knowledge.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20th- Emotions

There are times in your life when many emotions conflict. You can't decide if you should be disgusted, angry, joyful, sad, or scared. It's like there is a massive battle in your head with all these little emotions screaming at you.


Sadness fights back and says "Just go home and eat potatoes and cry. Nothing good will happen anyway. Just be sad."


Then Fear strikes and tells you "It might happen again. You can't fight back because they'll be worse. You can't be sad because you will seem weak. Just suck it up and try not to get food poisoning."

But Joy needs to be the  loudest voice in your head. She should say "You will learn from this experience. You should be happy that those people are out of your life. Stay positive!"

You can never decide which emotion to use. You vary between emotions depending on the day, but remember to always try and let joy be the biggest voice.

Want some advice on these emotions? See Pixar's movie Inside Out this June!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18- Treason & Historical Fiction

Oh here, oh here, listen here as we tell,
the plot to kill the man known as the devil,
the man who killed innocent people because of their looks and religion,
While this plot greatly failed,
it still goes to show just  how hated he was,
Hitler, that soulless man, had his own people turning against him.

That suitcase looked oh so plain to anyone around,
but in reality it was anything but innocent,
This suitcase held the key to life for millions of people,
the bomb that would kill Hitler.

As any great murderous coup goes,
it failed oh so gravely,
in the streets of the saddened Germany,
with this bomb exploding and killing the carrier instead of the gift-opener.

Hitler learned about this plan,
exposing all who were apart of it,
And killed them all.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17th- Found Poem

This past summer I got a Eurorail pass and travelled around Europe.
I loved it so much.
Europe is gorgeous.
Everybody has a fake-grunge way and wears jeans that fit just right.
I'm not good at this.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14th- The Berlin Wall

The East
Looking at the East side all you see is gray.
It explains what happened over there on that side of Berlin.
The Communism that took over the city and the East side of the country.
There was no one over there to help these poop people from the devils.

The West
Looking at the West side you see an abundance of graffiti.
You see a painting with a mouth that says "Act Up" and it moves you dearly.
These people went without their loved ones for years.
The Western side always trying to act out.
Always trying to save their brothers from the wicked witch of the East.

It came time for the wall to come down. It came time for Communism to be defeated. You saw all of these people climbing this wall. The Eastern people finding their freedom. The Western people finding their hearts. You can only imagine the joy in the hearts of these Germans when the barricade came down. After years of a prison wall dividing this city God showed his might and put the devil to rest.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13th- The Macabre Arts

David Olere
Death is drawling closer to me and the bodies that surround me.
We attempt to eat the sun as that is the only source of nutrition we can find.
All of us huddle together trying desperately not to die here.
We feel the sweat off each others' bodies and taste the gas sinking into our skin.
All around me people begin to drop the ground choking.
I claw at the walls attempting to find a way out of this God forsaken building.
I hear children screaming and their mother's weeping as each baby takes it's last breath of poison before it turns limp.
All around me in this empty void I feel boys and girls falling and smacking the ground, not old enough to know what is happening to them.
I see smoke begin to pour into the vents and I see a door open.
I fall to the ground when I try to run towards it thinking I could escape.
I see an orange substance rushing towards me and I believe it is daylight.
I start gagging some more and feel my brain fog up as a searing pain engulfs my entire body.
I feel my mouth shape the words "God bless my soul. Please let me enter." before everything goes black.
I lay lifeless on the ground, my soul staring at my dead body beginning to shrivel in the fire and I know my time is done and the pain is gone.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12th- The Haunted House

This haunted house I'm living in,
is a house that is full of sin.
There are ghosts to haunt you around every door,
and ghouls to scream at you on every floor.
This haunted house is one of despair,
with clouds of evil encompassing the air.
The sharpest teeth you will ever see,
belong to the monsters hiding in the trees.
This haunted house will scare you to death,
even before you enter one step.
There is still time for you to run screaming my dear,
before the wicked spirits catch you in here.
This haunted house is one hell of a trap,
Once you enter it, love, you can never look back.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30th- Taylor Swift

My life has been upside down since I was fifteen.
I constantly get put down because I go on dates with a lot of boys and people don't always like my music.
I just want to be able to write, sing, dance, and live being me. Not having to please anyone else.
I live in this big life where everyone thinks they know me when in reality I just want to be simple and happy while performing for society!

Here is Taylor's vevo!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th- Mixed Up Cup

John D. Rockefeller finally made it. His oil company has finally taken off and his newest drilling location is San Antonio, Texas. On a trip down to Texas he decided to head into the city and visit the Alamo. It was an iconic landmark that had always inspired him. While in the Alamo an earthquake warning began to sound. He was in a small, isolated room off the back of the fort when the ground began to shake. Right when he stepped towards the threshold a large piece of clay fall from the ceiling landing square on his lips. He fell to the ground and felt his mouth coming to the realization that his teeth were all loose. As Mr. Rockefeller stood up a tooth fell out. As he started running to get in a clearing two more fell out. This poor old man was losing every tooth in his dear old mouth!

Once the earthquake stopped and he had lost ten more teeth he was walking to hail cab and passed a tall, strong shouldered man. The man was dressed in orange and white with a University of Tennessee football cap on. This decked out man looked at Rockefeller and said, "Karma is a Butch. You shouldn't be drillin' oil!" and walked away. Rockefeller then got in a cab, went to the hospital, and tried to forget about his terrible experience at the Alamo.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27th- Fairy Tale Name Poem

Here is a poem using a powerful princess's name that describes me.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24th- X Marks the Spot

After weeks on this majestic sea, I pirate Kait, my friend pirate Jack, and our Captain Black have finally found the island of treasure we took the map for after hijacking a ship. We sink the anchor and step onto land only to find mashed potatoes. Everything is covered with mashed potatoes! The trees, the sand, the dirt are all mashed potatoes. There are rivers of gravy and small ponds of more gravy. This is not at all what we were expecting, but it was a nice surprise to have unlimited food!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23rd- That's Punny!

Welcome to the pun battle,
The battle of the puns.
In our left corner is an old school tenth grade teacher who was offended by what our right corner opponent said.
In the right corner is a wild West cowboy ready to prove this teacher wrong.

"To write with a broken pencil is pointless," shouts our cowboy.

"Well what do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher!" remarks the teacher.

"I wonder why your geometry class is so tired? Maybe it's cause they're out of shape!" exclaims the cowboy.

"Boy what do you call a cow during a earthquake? A milkshake!" cackles the teacher.

"Yeah? Well decimals have a point!" throws back the cowboy.

"Oh buddy, cowboys don't roll joints. They tumble weed!" laughs the teacher.

"I..what..oh." mumbles the cowboy, "I guess you've one. I'm gonna find one of those saloons in looney toons called slooney toons.

And with that the battle of the puns, the pun battle was won.

Looking for your own puns? Here is a great resource! Puns! As a side note, all the puns I wrote were not original. They were found by googling "Cowboy" or "Teacher" puns.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21- Deja Vu

Caroline studied the old man carefully. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him reminded her of somebody else? But who? She looked at his features: the bright eyes full of energy, the broad features of his upper body, and awkward curve of his lips. She thought she was beginning to think of who it could be, but it wasn't possible. That man was locked in a cellar for the rest of his immortal life. That man looked young. This man was not, but the features were so startling similar. Even his joyful, but hardened personality was the exact same. Then she saw it... the sonic screwdriver. She knew it was him.

"Oh Caroline, you see me now. You see that I am your Doctor. I have missed you so much. I know this is a new form, but I had to regenerate. My lovely Caroline."

 She paused to think before she could reply, "Is it really you? My dearest Doctor Who?"

Doctor Who season 7

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16th- RAIN

The peaceful cleanse of rain is like a baptism for the entire Earth.
It washes away the dust and grim replacing it with a soaked surface that will later dry to be cleansed.
The light pitter patter of a brewing storm begins while you sit with your family at the dinner table.
The heavier droning of the now steady rain brings thunder in all it's might.
The parturient masses of water downfall as you lay in your bed beginning to sleep.
Your windows light up with the blaze of lighting bolts striking the sky.
Many thoughts pass through your head, but none of worry.
You think about the renewal this hurricane-like weather will bring to the Earth.
You think about the rainbow's vivid colors that will be brought.
As you become drowsy from the lull of this cloudburst,
your final thought before you sleep is "Thank you God for this majestic being."

Using complex words that don't repeat often is my goal when I write, especially poetry. Here is a link to the thesaurus I used to make sure the work "rain" didn't repeat: Rain!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15th- I Remember When...

I remember when I still enjoyed school.
I could walk in and talk to twenty people within the first five minutes.
I liked learning and hearing about different events throughout history.
Unfortunately, I now hate school.
I avoid as many people as possible because people cause so much drama.
I try so hard to learn, but nothing makes sense anymore.
I remember when I still enjoyed school.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10th- Pet Peeve

Can a person be my pet peeve? If so I don't have to think about it! Brody is my pet peeve.
Constantly in MY space claiming that it is OUR space. No it is not. Not to mention his CONSTANT fangirling over movies, and I thought I was bad until I met him. Oh and can we realize his continuous insistence that I find him attractive when I most certainly see him as a brother and nothing in the realm of finding him attractive! (I'm not being rude I promise! He is a great person.) Continuing, the fact that he never does his work is quite bothersome. Sometimes I want to get stuff done, but he sits there and gets in MY space and distracts me. Well I guess that's enough of a Brody rant for the day. I'm sure I will have more in the future!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 2nd- The Flip Side

Sitting on a couch with my phone in hand

I pull up twitter to see a fight, mighty grand.

I look at the people and see they are my friends

And wonder how long until this ends.

They go and go and I get worried

Then remind one girl that this isn’t worth it.

Day after day of constant fighting

Causes stress that is oh so biting.

Finally resolved with these girls not talking,

I sigh to myself and say, “What a mockery”.


Pulling up twitter I see a fight starting.

My best friend spreading lies and I’m ready to begin fighting.

“I never did that” and “You’re such a liar”

These words come naturally after so much time.

I am reminded that this fight isn’t worth it,

But I want her to feel that hurt she’s caused.

I keep going and going until the tears finally come,

And I realize I deserve a better friend that won’t make me numb.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6th- Persona Poem

Hello, my name is Marilyn Monroe.
I live a life that should be so happy, but I'm afraid it's not.
I have countless lovers, but no one to truly love me.
I've been made into a sexual icon and that's not what I wanted!
I just wanted to be a star.
I wish I could just sing and dance and act without someone telling me to be seductive.
I'm afraid my life has completely fallen to pieces.
Technically my life has always been in shambles.
I have to think that life would be easier if I weren't so famous.
People might want me for me and not my fame.
It is scary to think that I would be content with death at my age.
With death I wouldn't be lonely or sad.
I would no longer have anxiety attacks and panic before performing.
Maybe it's time I saw what the lights are and gave someone else a chance to shine.
Goodbye my darlings. I will see you soon.

A little history of our darling Marilyn.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2nd- The Frog Prince

A precious Princess takes a walk along a stream where she meets the man she believes she should be with.
 The man has a secret that he will never tell, but it keeps him from kissing her which upsets her and that isn't swell.
The Princess brings her loving Prince home and he eats from her plate and sleeps next to her in bed.

For three days this enchantment goes on and the Princess begins to fall deeply in love.

On the third night the Princess tries to kiss her sweet Prince to say goodnight, but he forcefully objects.
Once the solemn Prince falls deeply asleep the Princess presses her soft lips to his and falls into a slumber.

When the Princess wakes up the next morning she shrieks "My Prince, My Prince! Help there's a frog!" and the frog replies "My sweet lady I am your Prince. I told you not to kiss me. For a witch made me human and said if I ever kissed another I would turn back into a frog. Now my lovely Princess, I must return to my swamp and live my life as a frog Prince forever indebted to your gratitude."
The Frog Prince hopped away while the sweet Princess sat on her bed weeping.

Did you like my fractured fairytale? Check out the original.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Monday, September 29th- I'm Weirded Out...

As soon as I arrived I felt that something was out of place. I walked into that blue box and yelled "Doctor, where are you?" There was no response. I began to search this box that is bigger on the inside. With no luck I kept yelling for my dearest Doctor, but he never replied. I stepped out of the Tardis and fell to the firey depths of the universe.

Oh wait.. I was dreaming.

Wednesday, October 1st- Fairy Tale Characters

Ever sweet, this fair maiden, with skin as white as snow.
Strawberry red lips with apple colored cheeks running away from the crow.

Finding seven funny men as she flees from evil,
She will take them in as her own.

Biting into the poison from that little, old lady,
She waits for her Prince to come.

True loves kiss awakens her,
And she lives forever in safety from the least fairest of them all.

Check out the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25th- Bad Mistakes

Well kids I'm joining you today to share some advice about bad mistakes. We are all in high school and that means high school relationships. We all have that one relationship that should never have happened and well mine was the biggest mistake I've made and is still haunting me after a year.

As a freshman I was friends with a junior that was a boy. Him and his girlfriend broke up and I mean you can see where this is going. So we were "togetherish" for about six months. We pretty much had an argument everyday and that got super old super fast. So the weekend before I was about to end whatever that relationship we had he went out of town with his ex-girlfriend. That was reason enough for me to say "Forget about you!" The only problem is that him and this girl are dating again. That shouldn't be a problem, but I'm still friends with this boy since we live near each other so she likes to assume I'm trying to "win him back" a lot.

Anyway, I know you guys don't want to hear about some dumb relationship, but I do want to say from this bad mistake I learned not to start "dating/talking to/being with" someone who just got out of relationship.

P.S. No I didn't actually learn this lesson considering I've made sort of the same mistake with two other guys! Someday I will learn, but for now high school relationships suck!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24th- Endearing Quality

On a personal level  I don't find myself endearing at all. Most people don't find me very, um what's the word, likeable I guess (if that's even a grammatically correct word). After asking around the class people all paused before saying something so that should tell you something, but the thing I heard most was that I'm helpful. I can't see people upset or struggle without trying to help. I guess that could count as an endearing quality. I, also, guess I should try to be more endearing the next few years!

Tuesday, September 23rd- Strange Fruit

When you think of dragon fruit you probably think of the pink, egg shaped fruit, but what if there was another, different, type dragon fruit. While the name remains the same, as well as the look, where this fruit is from may be a little different. This type of dragon fruit is grown in a hot rainforest, sort of like the Amazon. It has a distinct taste of strawberry flavored smoke. Why you ask? Because the dragons that grow it breathe fire into it. That is how it obtains it's pink glow. The inside of the fruit is a light gray color with pink speckles. Now, the people that eat this fruit are much different than us. They are witches, wizards, and fairies. Everything mystical in some parallel universe we don't know about. This fruit is very different and unfortunately no one from this world will ever have this mysterious form of dragon fruit.

Would you click to know the history of normal dragon fruit? Click here!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17th- Alphabet Soup

An apple a day is what they say,
But does an apple a day really keep the doctor away?
Can you really eat an apple and stay healthy?
Don’t you want to try something different than just eating the apple!
Eating the apple can make your hands sticky so let’s try a new thing!
For instance, what if you throw the apple at the doctor every day to keep him away!
Good going.” Your mom would say after the doctor was blinded by apple juices!
HAAHHA” is what I’d say cause my doctor has surly been kept away!
It’s time for change in this weird story so let’s focus on nothing and see where this goes!
Joyful is a word that brings happiness about!
Kangaroos feel joy with their children in their pouches!
Lemurs feel joy when they swing from tree to tree!
Mothers feel joy when they first see their children!
Nothing can stop someone (or something) from feeling joy at some point!
Out of every emotion joy is my favorite!
Please bear(roar) with me because my brain is so scattered!
Question me if you wish, but I have such a hard time staying on topic!
Really I must say that the only time I can focus is when I read!
So with that being said, I hope this reading helped scatter your brain while reading it.
Truly I hope you are confused and finding me to be strange.
Unless, of course, you understand what it is like to not be able to focus!
Very sincerely I might add that if you aren’t weird you’re reading the wrong blog!
Well until I see you next time I hope you don’t break any bones!
(X-rays are truly terrible for you!)
Yes, I know, we started talking about apples, but I do hope you enjoyed.
Zany writing like mine should only be read by zany people like me!

When I think of alphabet soup I think of Shirley Temple for some reason! So here is a link to Shirley Temple's Animal Crackers In My Soup!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th- The Spoon's Perspective

A spoon, a spoon that's all I am.
A spoon. a spoon covered in stuff from a can.
A spoon, a spoon touched by many hands.
A spoon, a spoon that stays dirty until one day.

      A spoon, a spoon sitting on a rack.
      A spoon, a spoon soaked in water so fast.
      A spoon, a spoon covered from head to toe in soap.
      A spoon, a spoon with more water rushing at me.

            A spoon, a spoon sitting in the steam.
            A spoon, a spoon finally nice and clean.
            A spoon, a spoon hot to the touch.
            A spoon, a spoon being taken out and put in the drawer waiting to be covered in mush.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15th- What the Deuce?

La Mariee by Marc Chagall
I am very uninspired by this so called master piece. Maybe it's because of the random assortment of what looks to be a ram/goat, a fish, a bride, and some random person. Forgive me if I missed any other random animals in this painting. I am very confused at what this picture is trying to represent.. A runaway bride, Snow White maybe? It is very confusing and all very uninspiring in my opinion.
So there you have it. This is what I am sharing with you today. The inspiration that doesn't inspire, titled La Mariee.

If you would like to view more work done by Marc Chagall, click here.

See y'all tomorrow!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11th- Music Critic

"Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People means so much more than what you would take it for. The band members have told media that it is a song to say f-you to all those kids who are mean. They used this song to get inside the head of a kid that is going crazy with anger for all these kids. Having these 'pumped up kicks' made you "popular" and some people couldn't stand it. Therefore, the band
got inside the killer's head and saw why he wanted revenge on these other kids. The 'running faster than my bullet' was supposed to be a metaphor, but it ended up being very literal in the song.

Would you like to know more about Foster the People or "Pumped Up Kicks"? Click here.

Also check out this amazing cover song for Pumped Up Kicks!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9th- Film Review


I personally loved this movie and had read the book years ago with my mother. It is one of the most inventive stories I have read, but it speaks to me because it is completely possible. The main plot of the story is that 'Hugo' takes care of the clocks in Grand Central Station because his father died in a fire and Hugo had no where to go. Hugo then found an invention his father was in the process of building when he died. The invention could write and draw all by it's self. Unfortunately it was broken and could only be unlocked by a key. Like any good story, Hugo met a girl who, just so happened, to have the key to the invention.

This brings in elements of science fiction because Hugo's father invented something people wouldn't have thought possible. In conclusion, I would give this book a 5 out of 5 rating. Considering how well this film followed the book line and kept the inventions like the book drawings, it was truly amazing.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8th- America, Fairyville?

This Fairy in our world so lost,
Unknown to her the mystical cost,
Of wandering into that magical cave,
And coming out to a world that is slaved.

This Fairy so lovely understands not,
What technology is and what it is not.
With her wings sparkling,
And her body so little,
She must figure out a way to live when everything is bigger.

This Fairy is lost here in our world,
Unsure of how to survive without her family,
She knows nothing about this land, this life,
And she must thrive in this society of strange, wingless, giants.

Could fairies be real?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th- Aliens In Egypt

King Tutankhamun, aka one of the most know and famous pharaohs in history. He unfortunately died at the age of 18 after only eight years of ruling. No one knew an awful lot about him and excavators spent years trying to find his tomb. With some luck in 1922 his tomb was found. With even more luck it was completely in tact! The unfortunate side to this situation is that every time someone tried to open the tomb they would die. Some say coincidence, some say King Tut's ghost, but I say something totally different: aliens.

By aliens I mean the nastiest, bluest, gnarliest, most fearsome look creatures ever to walk the universe. They probably stand about 14 feet tall and have muscles that are bigger than The Rock's. I'm talking eyes that are blood red and black hole black with teeth like vampires. I'm not sure how you'd feel if metal disks fell from the sky and a few dozen of those walked out, but I would be doing whatever they tell me to.

Many researchers have different ideas of how this young Pharaoh died, but I would like to share my theory. After these crazy, terrifying looking aliens showed up on King Tut's door and scared the pee out of him I believe they became friends! These aliens, let's call them Scary-Spooky-Dudes, started helping out the young king with kingly stuff like executions, building stuff, keeping people in line, etc. Well I think that King Tut was playing marbles with a couple of these Scary-Spooky-Dudes and beat them causing one of them to get mad and throw him across the room (this explains the broken leg and damaged skull theories made by scientists!). After they figured out they killed the young King they decided to go back home, but made the oath that if anyone tried to destroy the peace that King Tut would have in the after-life they would kill them.

This is of course just my brain thinking weird things about what could have possibly happened to this little king, but we will technically never know!
King Tut's golden casket

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th- Historical Accuracy

What comes to your mind when you think of the 1930s? The Great Economic Crash, Franklin D. Roosevelt and his "New Deal" to create jobs, or maybe even Marilyn Monroe? What about the Empire State Building? Maybe we should focus on one of tallest and most beautiful skyscrapers in North America!

We all know this legendary photo of these eleven men siting on a steel bar while taking a break from the heat and smog of New York City. But are these men truly men? Or are they aliens being a little to worthwhile? Considering the Empire State Buildings is one of the Seven Wonders of the World for its Art Deco style and fast building process we must question if this building really could've been made my humans alone!

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think we are alone in the universe! And no, I don't mean we have little 

green 'Marvin the Martian's running around everywhere. I also don't think E.T. is landing in random children's back yards and asking them to help him get home! However, there is no way that in this galaxy of stars and planets and unknown worlds that we are alone. So we must consider that when the Empire State decided to build this iconic Empire State Building it could have been possible for Mr. President to ring up some friends at Area 51 and have them ship out some "special helpers" with their advanced technology.

When these aliens were brought here they could've looked like humans that happened to be risk takers. (I don't know about y'all, but I would NEVER sit on a steel beam hundreds of feet in the air!) The only logical explanation that I have for this is aliens! Maybe the Martian spotting was someone realizing the people building their new, American icon were green or purple or walking on air of breathing fire to fuse beams together. We may never know if aliens live in our country, but it's funny to think that one of the buildings we prize most as Americans wasn't even built by Americans! (Or humans for that matter!)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29th- Two Moons

During a deadly sea storm, a group of researchers were stuck at sea with their submarine instruments not working. After 10 days being trapped 10,000 leagues under the sea they resurface to find themselves trapped in the sea with no land in sight. One researcher looks up and notices two moons under the gravitational pull of Earth. Automatically the crew understands why their instruments aren't working properly! They know that they only have 10 more days left of food and fuel and will have to work quickly to find land. After pulling up the telescope and spotting land about fifty miles away they start the engine and begin  manually controlling the direction of the submarine.

Once they reach land and get out of the water they become aware that everything is different. They are on the island of Germany, but there are no people and no animals. They ration out their supplies and begin to make a plan of attack. The final decision is that they will all stay together and work from one end of the island to the other. The crew hunkers down for a night of rest and think about all the things they need to find out before they continue life with two moons.

                                               Did you hear about the Two Moons hoax?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28th- Space, 2199

"Hey Nora! Come look at this!" Says Hank, the most stuck up man you will ever meet.

"What is it?" Says Nora, the smartest women to ever walk the Earth.

"I have no idea just come here!" Hank exclaims and Nora walks over to join him.

Nora looks out the window to their big space shuttle and shrieks, "No, no, no this wasn't supposed to happen for another million years!"

She sees a cloud of dust rotating like a tornado and knows exactly what it is, a black hole. This isn't any black hole, neigh neigh, this is the largest black hole known to man and it is going to suck up the entire universe, no, galaxy!

Hank asks her what is wrong and she explains that she has been researching the end of the world and that this was it. Being the egotistical, jerk Hank is he screams “NO, I’M TOO YOUNG AND SMART AND HANDSOME TO DIE!!!!”

Nora tells him to shut up and enjoy the beauty of the entire world coming to end. The blues, purples, reds, greens, and oranges all disappearing into this massive void of godly proportions. The simplicity of nature, humans, society, religion, and life all coming to an end in the same slow moment makes Nora think about what is going to come after. Will there be nothing? Will her soul still exist? Will her memories still be with her? She can’t answer those yet, but soon she will be able to or maybe she won’t. She is about to find out.

Moments before their space craft reaches the black hole she says, “Hank, you are the laziest, most annoying, egomaniacal man I have ever met, but I love ya buddy.”

All Hank says is, “Goodbye my friend, I love you too.”


                                                         And then there is nothing.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27th- Animal Invention

Have you ever wanted to be as fast as a cheetah? What if you really could be? In the future, maybe you can.

Cheetahs can go from 0 to 60 in three seconds making them the fastest land animal in the world. what if you could go from o to 30 or 0 to 40 in three seconds? What about an invention that helped you do so? What if simply placing metal guards from your hips to your toes allowed the pain you get in your legs from running and the effect gravity has on running to go away? If you could put a metal contraption on your body to make your legs lean enough to go from 0 to 40 in three seconds would you? If you could run 10 miles in 5 minutes because of a bodily attachment would you?

I would start considering things like this because they could very possibly come up in the future.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26th- Concert

I'm finally here at Monumentour with my two best friends, Kendall and Sydney. We've been waiting for months to sit outside in this sticky weather and hear our three favorite bands perform! First up is New Politics! They are opening and show so much potential to headline a tour in the future! I absolutely love the energy they give even though most of the people here don't know them. After their thirty minutes are up we wait patiently for another hour half.

The time has come for Paramore to perform! As they open with Still Into You everyone is on their feet singing and dancing. The next hour is absolutely amazing and by their closing song Ain't It Fun no one can handle the excitement. Everyone here knows their voices will be gone tomorrow and their closes sticky with sweat, but it is completely worth it.

Thirty minutes later will start the best hour of your life. Fall Out Boy takes the stage and there is silence among the crowded, outdoor stadium. You can hear the first beats to "Young Volcanoes" and prepare to scream, "When Rome's in ruins we are the lions free of the coliseum.". From Save Rock And Roll to a throwback of We Are The Champions you sing at the top of your lungs and dance until your legs burn just like everyone else. Even with people passed out drunk around you and the smell of cigarettes wafting the crowd you can't help, but say that this is the best day of your entire life.

The four hour drive to North Carolina and the four hour drive back the next day were completely worth seeing our favorite bands. Considering this was an early birthday present, I couldn't be more thankful to have celebrated my sixteenth birthday with the two girls who are my best friends. I know my mom hated sitting through a four hour concert with no bands she liked, but I am so glad she brought me and can never repay her for putting up with three high school girls for two days. Ending my summer with Monumentour was truly monumental.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25th- Literary Character

We all remember certain characters that we love and that stay with us forever. My character is Albus Dumbledor. He is from the amazing series of Harry Potter and, as most of us know, died in the sixth book. Take a minute with me, though, and pretend like he is still here. He is in our world, not the Wizarding World, and let us see what he would be like.

               In my mind I can picture Dumbledor as the wise Prime Minister of England. He is loved by most and one of the brightest men known to man. In his free time he likes to do magic tricks, like card tricks and making flowers appear. Dumbledor always has the interest of the majority in his mind and makes sure to act on his intuition. He strongly believes in keeping everyone safe from radical and evil people. With the help of his cabinet, he is a strong leader and optimist for the nation. I can also say that I believe his beard would be slightly shorter, but still of great importance to him!

Maybe these thoughts are just mine and you believe I'm incorrect, but that is completely your opinion! (Feel free to comment and let me know.) The character of Albus Dumbledor, brought to life by J.K. Rowling, is the singular character that will stay with me forever. Between the lessons he was written to teach about and the compassion he showed to all, I will never forget our loving wizard.

Don't know much about Harry Potter or Dumbledor? Click here now

Do you know a lot about Harry Potter and wish to know even more? Visit Pottermore to make an account!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22nd- Wacky Words

Look a citrusy skirt!

            "Hipster" "Citrus"

Am I a hipster?!
A hipster is just a hippy wanna be!
From 2013 drinking citrus tea!

These hipsters live with flowers on their heads
And citrus fruits all around their beds.

Some say I'm a hipster, but how can that be?
The only citrus I eat is those baby orange things!         

Must you eat citrus if  you are hipster you ask?
Well yes! If you don't eat citrus being a hipster will never pass!!
If hippies knew that their child would be guppies who would in return have flower child hipsters,
I wonder if they would've left some citrus fruits out of their diets and let some flowers stay growing in the wild.

From high-waisted shorts to citrus print crop tops, hipsters are growing out of every society!

Don't get me wrong some people are just hip, but hipsters are a fashion phase that should really go away! Oh and maybe the citrus fruits will stop disappearing from all the stores as well!

People make songs about hipsters and their citrusy fruits, but hopefully one day those will all be on mute!

I believe in being hip, but I don't think there should be, a lifetime of citrusy, hipstery beings!

Would you like To Be A Hipster?
Interested in a class on Hipster Culture?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21st- Mystery Lady

The Mystery Lady that you are seeing here is not one of darkness, but she is one of fear.
The colors you see show her bright personality, but do those colors make her truly happy?
Her disfigured face and her arms so fragile represent more than just some terrible accident.
She was broken so terribly by the man she loved dear, that her body collapsed in a state a fear.
Her heart dissolving and her body following, causing so much pain to distract from her agony.
The fear that she has is true for the many; That none will love us when they see our destruction.
Looking at the colors of the great Mystery Lady may make us happy, but for her they are just a façade to distract from the misery.

                                           Here are a few pictures of other Mystery Ladies.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20th- Alter Ego

Our dearest Wendy Darling. We all remember her as the girl who stepped out onto that rooftop and took Peter's hand to fly away. Little did we know that our Darling dearest was not a darling at all.

I had the pleasure of viewing Wendy's dairy just the other day and I'm afraid to tell you she was a horrid little girl. While her looks were unquestionable her personality was quite a shame. One entry of this diary said,
          "Dear Diary, Today I played a prank on my teacher at school. On the way to school I stopped by the creek and picked up eight large, slimy, stinky slugs. When I arrived at school I placed the slugs in my teacher's bag and went to talk to my boyfriend #1, James. After the teacher found the slugs I exclaimed "Oh John! (Boyfriend #2) Why would you do such a thing! Let's just say John is no longer boyfriend #2 or at our little school!"

It is incredible how awful one sweet, innocent looking child can be! But wait! There's more!

Is our Wendy Darling really that innocent? Not at all! You might think oh she only has two boyfriends, but neigh neigh my friends! After reading her diary she had 12 different boyfriends all at once! (Two of them considerably older than her!) All of these "boyfriends" loved to spoil Wendy with pearls and diamonds and her favorite chocolate, but her 18 year old boyfriend got her something entirely different! He got Wendy a tattoo. On Wendy's right rib cage she has a tattoo that says "I will soon be in Neverland." And in Neverland she will be.

It is a tragedy of how she met Peter for the second time after barely escaping the grasps of Captain Hook the first go around! Wendy Darling is at fault for her return to Neverland because she decided to go cliff jumping. (May we add that she was with boyfriend #8 at the time and he was 21.) When said boyfriend and our dearest Darling were found washed up on shore their heads and backs were covered in bruises and their bodies reeked of the awful 21 year old smell. The Darling family was so sad to lose their precious Wendy, but they all agreed that she set herself up so she could live with the adventurous Peter Pan for the rest of her life.

Some may say reading a private diary is a terrible thing to do, but I must say I was just looking to see if she had written anything about her first go around in Neverland! Unfortunately, I found the complete opposite: her path of life that would lead her back to Neverland and the amazing Peter Pan.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19th- Scary Place

A scary place on Earth you see,
Is one with no possibility.
A place that reeks of an emotionless fellow,
Is ripped of love and ripped of mellow.

A terrifying world,as you will see,
Is a world broken of everything free.
A place with no kindness and no compassion,
Is a place of order and that is what is spine-chilling.

An eerie place that traps life whole,
Is a place with no creative control.
A place with no music or art,
Is a place where no friendships can start.

A universe where you can't taste the color,
Is a place without the people of "Hello".
A place where a handshake is considered "uncivil",
Is a place where death comes and leaves his memo.

I guess you could say the scariest place, you see,
Is a world stripped of love and a world where no one is free.

((Would you like to know other words besides "Scary"? Well there you go!))

((When given this topic I automatically thought of "The Giver". Go ahead and check it out! This is for the movie, but you can find "The Giver" in book form right there!))